Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Work hard, Play hard

When they say you’re only young once
They mean you’re only below 21 once
Nothing keeps us from thinking young 
“Old” is largely a social construction

Work contributes to the construct
When the young person
Hears her first boss announce: do as I say
It’s early onset old age

Since this happens to almost all of us
We know of no other way 
Only a grown-up child actor
Seems to have escaped

Most youth defy the message from work 
As if to prove they are an exception 
Work hard and play hard
A statement I sometimes hear

Meant to represent a type of balance 
Work hard - do what they require of you
Play hard - same thing
Only the referent group changes

Do what the employer says
Do what peers say
The first – “walking the line”
The second – “self-expression”

Work masters
Play masters
We all have both
The first is stern, the other subtle


Friday, May 18, 2012

Frowns make us ponder

Where we're going
They're predicting good weather
If I come back scowling 
Something else will be the matter
Like bad weather here
Or some petty human game
I don't know what 
I'm sure It'll find a name

Smiles are no great wonder
But frowns, make us ponder