Friday, January 14, 2011

On the eighth day God created the U.S. Constitution and Guns

On the eighth day God created the U.S. Constitution and Guns

Will Rogers said he never met a man he did not like
I have met people who never met a gun they did not like
I even know people who like guns more than people
Of course there is no amendment that says you can carry people

Jesus did not pack heat, but he is not on record as being against it
(It’s too bad we cannot get Jesus’ opinions on current events
If they ever have a church meeting where they perform this séance
I might have to dust off the old Sunday-go-to-meeting brogans)

The first bullets from guns must have been a marvel to get your mind around
Before - killing had to be done by throwing things or with your bare hands
Now, glory be to God, you could sit on your porch
And send a neighbor to eternity from his porch

Automatic washers and dryers got nothing on guns
Fancy cars and even airplanes can’t compete
If you want a job done right, forget Maytag or Boeing
Get yourself a Smith and Wesson

I would like that semi-automatic Glock to go
And, here, wrap it up in this copy of the constitution
And then yipeeiiaa, out of my way
Cause I am a good ole boy from the US of A

But really folks, let me get to the point
No yolk, yuck-yuck - serious as a heart attack
Projectiles vomited from metal tubes
Beget blood and guts like tapping a maple

To the Family of Joy

Sam said on Facebook she was terminally restless
And I thought - the story of my life
But of course, it was a medical term
Describing her state of mind

She went to Florida looking for treatment
But they said her heart couldn’t take it
So, she said, look on the bright side
I’m in sunny Florida
While you guys are stuck in the cold

I don’t want to make too much of it
But Joy was strong and beautiful
And did what only a few will do
Teach others in life
And in death

I am studying your lesson
Taking notes to prepare for
My own test
Thank you teacher Joy
May you rest in peace

Inner Me and Outer Me

Some of me is outside and some in
The in parts do not always agree with the out
What you see is not always what I am getting
The iceberg in me sometimes nicks my big boat
I can see a thing with this inside eye
And never quite name what I saw
Inner me meet outer me
Now play nice

I wanna live where they love people

Do you live where they love people?
Where they want everybody to get a fair shake?
Where they bring in cooked food when a neighbor is sick?
Promise to pray for each other?
Pound them with cards?
Talk for hours on the phone about how they are doing?
Jump for joy when Johnny hits a jumper?
Hold up traffic for a friend’s cat hurt in the middle of the road?
Joke in the middle of hell breaking loose - to help out?
Flirt with one another to pick up spirits more than anything?
Cuss fate, then ask for quick forgiveness?
Carry pictures of one another’s children?
Hurt deeply when Jim loses his job?
Give money when Jenny gets hitched?
If you do…
Stay put.