On the eighth day God created the U.S. Constitution and Guns
Will Rogers said he never met a man he did not like
I have met people who never met a gun they did not like
I even know people who like guns more than people
Of course there is no amendment that says you can carry people
Jesus did not pack heat, but he is not on record as being against it
(It’s too bad we cannot get Jesus’ opinions on current events
If they ever have a church meeting where they perform this séance
I might have to dust off the old Sunday-go-to-meeting brogans)
The first bullets from guns must have been a marvel to get your mind around
Before - killing had to be done by throwing things or with your bare hands
Now, glory be to God, you could sit on your porch
And send a neighbor to eternity from his porch
Automatic washers and dryers got nothing on guns
Fancy cars and even airplanes can’t compete
If you want a job done right, forget Maytag or Boeing
Get yourself a Smith and Wesson
I would like that semi-automatic Glock to go
And, here, wrap it up in this copy of the constitution
And then yipeeiiaa, out of my way
Cause I am a good ole boy from the US of A
But really folks, let me get to the point
No yolk, yuck-yuck - serious as a heart attack
Projectiles vomited from metal tubes
Beget blood and guts like tapping a maple
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