Sunday, June 19, 2011

Between Happiness and Urgency

It’s how McDonald and Labelle sang “On my Own”
It’s on youtube - hurry back
It’s the way angry truckers block me from passing
the way Clinton defended himself from those who said he
had sex with that woman
The way skydivers yell
the way Martin Luther King spoke.

Some are blessed with it, others cursed.
In some forms it’s attractive
in others less so
An urgent fire fighter is fine
an urgent arsonist, not so much
The person eager to save my soul
may leave me scratching my head
if I was just with my soul
and it was in good shape
Though the savers are preferred
over those who ignore or hate me.

The wizened can be seen grinning
at the enthusiasm of the young
-if they only knew-
Ancients judge the still motivated
From a life of false starts and aborted efforts
inferring lessons not unfailingly useful.

If you’re inspired to complete a project
reach a goal
rise to a higher level
act on the impulse
give in to the feeling
for such fire, much like true love,
should never be taken lightly
The resigned never feel the heat of passion
Between exuberance and reticence
cast the latter in the sea.

Anyone with purpose causes speculation…
Is the six-year-old skater on the ice at 5 AM
out of fear of her mother?
or is there a spirit in her
admonishing her to greatness?
What does she know of the benefits of respect?
Has she somehow lived so richly already
She cannot tolerate mediocrity?
Are some born intense?

Diaspora from Jews to Palestinian
seek to instill the homeland in the young
Never again, is the cry
Or we shall be united
Suffering begets urgency
Consider the literary work
of those whose heritage is challenge
from Vonnegut to Bellow
Like the enemy of Christianity
Apostle Paul, stricken on the road to Damascus
Forever after given to the cause of Christ
these can point to singular events
to explain the fire in their belly.

Remarkable; is quiet, sustained urgency
Causing some to leave massive work
Awakening them before dawn
Sustaining them in the night
driving them through hunger
affording calm for creativity in a storm.

A young man I had known in college
given a few months to live
with small children and a wife
in his late twenties
with friends saddened by the news
inspired us all
For he became like a super man
Planned his funeral - uplifting and inspiring
Took care of unfinished business
Shared deep thoughts with those he loved
And willed a legacy of how
A regular guy dies with dignity.

This was a gift to his children.

When my father had heart surgery
I pictured myself as him
How I would respond?
I was glad to see him do it well
I took hope for my own tests
As his genes were also mine.

Great challenges - death or high goals
vary in effect
Some cower
Others show grace
The best we see on earth
Spans happiness and urgency

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