Monday, December 17, 2012

A whole new sun

Today, I have written five poems
And a thousand other words
Surely I have a few left for
The woman who gave me life

Only this:

If it gets dark
Close your eyes
A while
You’ve earned the rest
Only open them
When you feel the warmth
Of a whole new sun

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thanks in advance

Universe, if you will let me be perfect
I would be grateful, of course
Being perfect and all
I would be grateful.
But if, as I suspect, you want me
Perhaps you might let me know
Your rationale
Thanks in advance, you asshole.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Looking for a job?
Got goodness?
-Gentleness toward all beings
That job is available
When can you start?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Live for the moment

The thought expressed by today
is forgotten tomorrow
and lost on yesterday

How can live for the moment
be a philosophical stance?
As it necessarily keeps
us all in a trance

To escape the moment
Is exactly like a massive oak
Escaping an acorn
You see it tomorrow
It's still emerging

I'm in here
nobody can get me out
not even me

Only time


They break on your shoulders
from the sunset
you shrug and say
hell, let's get on with it
until you notice you are not
where you were
nor doing what you did
and with whom you did it

Time is a bee straight line
between two short points
the angles you see
are the corners of your mind
the only nodes in the net
are dates with transition

To a poem I saw

If you call this a poem
You might call day a verse
And night a work of art

Give the sun a literary prize
Pen a smile with highest honor
Write home of a friend's embrace

Give grand descriptions of family ties
Search water streams for rhyme
Afford clouds wide margin

If love to you is the masterpiece
You would be effusive indeed
At what I find in you

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Getting Back On Your Feet

You say you’re going crazy
But you live alone
Sewing the seeds of senility

You say you can’t think straight
But you never finished grieving a loss
Stretching your days of sadness

You say they’re driving you mad
But you don’t leave them alone
Staying within striking distance

You say the days are dragging by
But you’re in a state of transition
Uncertainty can be sinister

You say your dreams haunt you
But that’s just what they do
I’m scared too sometimes

You say you never feel well
But have you stopped to think
You’re as sick as your secrets?

Talk to someone you trust
Listen to the woes of a friend
Others may not genuinely care
For you or even themselves
But don’t make their mistake
Darling, you’re better than that

Someday, and soon I hope
You’ll remember this as the time
You returned to the land of the living
When you got back on your feet

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Praying all night in the woods with daddy

Daddy and other preachers decided to pray
All night
In the woods beside Whitehorse Road
Near Tabernacle Baptist
Our Church
In Greenville

I asked if I could go
Of course I could

I was the only boy
Ten years old

We prayed til daybreak
I buried my head in leaves
Threw them in the air
Peeked on occasion
To see what others were doing
Yelled words
Sometimes nonsense phrases

They ran
They wept
Mostly they yelled to the stars
Some climbed up and sat on tree branches
Everyone tried to pray the loudest

The subjects included:

How to deal with uppity black people
The Beatles being bigger than Jesus
Long haired men
Braless women
The devil's weed
Astronauts playing God
America a godless land

When the sun rose and we left
They spoke of how close to God they felt
Dad put his hand on my shoulder
We walked to the car

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Divinely-Inspired Baseball

Back in the baseball days
If I was taking the mound
Soul winning had the day off
I had no reverence for hitters
All the sinners
Got the best curve ball
Jesus allowed me to throw
That given at bat
And sometimes
I’d hear laughter
As knees buckled
I’ve even smiled myself
Thank you Lord
As I fingered the ball
Behind my back
To get another grip
Sometimes the devil
Got in people
Such as Jonny Long
And he’d foul
Off ten or twelve pitches
Then lace a single
And If I had not been a Christian
The next time he came to the plate
I would have plunked him.

Behind me at short was CB Cornett
Lost soul - reliable arm
Our third sacker was always dirty
Diving for stops
Not worrying for his mama
And her laundry bill
Sure to catch it
If he enters the kingdom
Skeeter held down second
Quiet, sensible
Destined to be a deacon
And over at first
The biggest of us all
You only needed
To throw the ball
In his general direction
He had his heart right
Arms outstretched
Saying come unto me
All ye that labor
In the infield.

Our outfield
Must have made
Old Lucifer mad too
Speed in left
Glove in center
In fact
My little left-handed
Second only
To me in circling the bases
Graced that kingdom
And in right
I recall nothing
To fret over.

Once Toni
A sweet, heavenly child
Of our age
Mysteriously appeared in the stands
Behind home plate
And it so happened
I was due up first
Our next at bat
I hit the first pitch off the 300 sign
In dead center
Standing up at third
I did not have the nerve
To look
But I heard
“Way to go Mike”
The rapture could have occurred right then
I relaxed a minute
Then sped home on a grounder.

The Lord knows
I loved the baseball days.

Monday, July 16, 2012

In absentia...

If you ask
Where I've been
And I say
In absentia…

You’ll know
I’m in a good mood
And don’t mind
Being bothered
By you

In which case
Say what’s on your mind
And when my eyes don’t focus
It’s not because I don’t care
It may be I’m away

You see,
Unlike here,
I’m a hero
In absentia…

Monday, July 9, 2012

Small Talk

It begins with the weather
Ends in shoe comfort
And covers what's between

Parties are full of it
Especially with strangers
Why mustard not mayonnaise?
The best route between points?

I can hardly wait
For the talk to grow up