Thursday, December 15, 2011

Putting Unwanted Feelings in Their Place

Putting unwanted feelings in their place

Grief, always the courtier
Knocked at my door
Asking to speak to the man of the house
But as I was indisposed
He understood and vowed to return later

While his less couth cousin – disquiet
Waiting at the curb
Without announcement
Intruded into my private space
Ransacking the place before
I could dial for help

When the authorities arrived
To make a report
I, interrupting business as usual
Made a case for choice in matters
Some say before abrupt changes
For sanguine solitude
To be promoted among the legislators

Sorry, said I, but willy-nilly upheaval is inopportune
Impertinent and calloused
And as they took notes I spoke with passion
Reminding them to look me in the eyes
As I made my case

After which, to my relief
They started to pack up and leave
Assuring me my message would be conveyed
Giving me back my night
Even begging my pardon
Upon knocking over a dear picture
As they retreated

I returned the likeness to where it belonged
But as soon as they left, that hollow feeling entered
The same door
Sitting down in my desk chair
Opening files on my computer
In fact, one I thought I had deleted
The one in which I had written
So movingly of permanence
Requited love
A separate peace

I know grief, loneliness, separation
Or perhaps the dark king himself
Will return
And ask to speak to me again
But just maybe I won’t be home
Or suppose I am
But have insight afresh
Giving him an ear full?

I am feeling again in charge
Working out is paying off
These, these aliens and imposters
These ne’er do wells
Really, I don’t think
Want to mess with me

Giving Thanks

To know what you want
Is a stuffed pantry

Follow like the scorned
With nowhere else to turn

Perch on tongues
Before they fall in laps

Upside needs down
The way money does the poor

Obfuscate the future
By undermining seconds

Offer promise
Always a little behind

Swell inside
Tsunami is too strong a word

We can dismiss
As for the faint of heart

One year light
The next night-dark

Not my favorite
Time to be

Closed-circuit connection
To we uninformed

Of a room
Filled with heartbeats

Glad to have shared
Space and time

The little person
Will be fine as always

What we feel
For someone noticing

Steps on stones
In water to our waist

The years now past
To be mined
For nugget expressions
Of unification
And with a supply
I will not hoard
But rather give


If I cannot have
My desire
I will be glad
For its discovery


To know what you want
Is a stuffed pantry

It's Going to Be Okay

I sat in the weeds beside our trailer
With my wonderful Aunt and Uncle on their way
To visit for my graduation
And memorized my lines from South Pacific
The role of Joe Cable
By staring the words on to blades of grass
And reading them back
The chiggers attacked
Through my pants
But I had no time
To worry over itching
The future was rushing in
High school burning off the horizon
The sun so bright

I wish I could get back there
And tap the skinny boy
On the shoulder and say to him:

It’s going to be okay.

I'd Like A Word With You

I’d like a word
With a few good people

She who’s lost a child
A breast
A house

He a job
A dream
A marriage

They’ve taken his car back
Her dinette set

Those who’ve lost their minds
And now sit in the waiting room
Of someone paid to listen

I need to talk to these people
To ask their wisdom
How they keep going
Where my view
Needs tweaking

And if you’ve been there
Looking down the barrel
Of a loaded gun

I’d like a word with you too

Vegas Is No Mirage

If you're going to Vegas
Take along a friend
One who asks why
And looks hard at life

Talk about it
Write your thoughts down
Be gentle as you judge

But you can rest assured
It's no Mirage

Gluttony and lust
Two of the deadly sins
Carried punishments
Of eating rats and snakes
And being smothered in

Vegas has a novel approach
Set them up in front of
A game of chance
And give them
Enough money to
Last a week

I am no stranger to sin
It does not frighten me
I don't believe the tragedian
Accounts it has inspired

It's Vegas I don't get
From Mormon, Sicilian and Jewish mafia
To profligate use of water
And hedonism on Viagra
I will have to pass
Hit the next guy

Desert Fountain

If you want to find yourself
Vegas may not be your place
You might find your inner Elvis
Or worse, a pack of rats

Walk sober at midnight 
from Mandalay Bay
To the Palazzo 
And then back south

Look hard at the faces
Listen to the yelps
Sit for a time 
As the parade passes

Ask yourself what that is
Is it a form of joy?
Was love waiting on you
When you got back?

Desert fountain
I fear for your future
But it's the clanging machines
That must not last

Adios Las Vegas

I want to love Las Vegas, I do
The way I want love everything
Attraction just feels better

The weather is nice
The food to die for
Nights are busy, days relaxed
The streets are clean again
By eight in the morning
The slots sing still
As I sit in the airport
With the strip gleaming
Through the window
And I'm reminded
Of their saying:
Have a lucky day
This is my lucky day
Adios Las Vegas

Seven Stages of September 11

Shock and denial

Smoke-scarred sky
Pillars in piles
Top of the morning
To Top of the world
High heels head home
Crossing the bridge
Under a cloudless sky
Wordless utterings

Pain and guilt

The stage is set
Oh, oh, oh,
Calls dropped
Hearts stopped
Some still standing
Why we wonder
Fathom faiths future
Is this how it ends?
Is God too dead?

Anger and bargaining

Eye for an eye
Shock is all
Shock and awe
Let’s roll
Bring back bravery
Bruise a head
Blame a bum
Pay people pawns
To Perish in Persia

Depression, Reflection, Loneliness

Scream - not the painting
Soft sad summers
Calling on none
Wanting no calls
Brooks brook brooding
Skies sigh sooooooo
I’m going down
Why there why now?
No known name

The Upward Turn

September morn
Neil Diamond refrain
Can I hear more?
Bring it on
It’s a long long time
From May to December
Ice Cream Reigns Again
The Fall we call the fall
Frost Feels Fine

Reconstruction and working through

Long lush lines
From your brush
Songs from your heart
Universe next door
Cities of people
Cable cars clank
Feathered things fly
The Wright Brothers
Make sense again

Acceptance and hope

Feet are funny
Lashes love eyes
Hands are so holding
Brows soft sweating
Price paid pardon
Soldiers returning
Work works wonders
Poiesis to praxis
Direction: home

Yet Another Way To See The World

Life as I see it now
Slow dawns
Overwrought sunsets
Hosts of witnesses
Contracts to sign
Deep trust aside
All these faces
In such cool places
For me I wonder
Are they assigned to me?
I pinch my arm
And shake my head
Certain of but one thing
I did not dream you
My dreams are not that kind
Yet there is no real difference
Between you and a dream
For this too shall pass
And I will learn
Yet another way
To see the world

A Slow Boat To China

I am awake in the night
As is often the case
But tonight is some different
For tonight I am shipping

You see when Dad died in 2006
I went to China
And among other things
Saw the world’s second
Largest port

The trip was useful
I left some things
On the Li River
And a few more
On the Nan Jing Road

We taxied out over the harbor in Shanghai
Winding our way
Around that loopy view
Of enormous commerce

I cannot get back there
At least not tonight
But I need to send
A few things on big ships
To a big port of call

It takes fifteen seconds
To breathe each down
And fifteen seconds
To breathe each aboard

Thus far I have loaded
Feelings of injustice done
Craving for revenge
A vague sense of inadequacy
And threat to self-image

I stopped by here
To file my report
A bill of lading

Now I must repair
Back to the dock
And load a few more

With any good fortune
The Slow Boat to China
Will get them to land
Then I suppose truck
And then maybe
The Qinghai-Tibet Railroad
Will get them home

As if for consolation
My midnight Yogi Tea bag says:
“Wherever you go
Go with all your heart”

I had not thought
Of going somewhere
I will consider that
Once this shipment clears


Measured action, measured reaction 
Domains of the wise
So I thought as a young man

Uncle William Major was wise
Not maniacal as others I knew 

So it was a mild perturbation
When I first seemed a lesser man
Flying mad
So passionate
Threatening to rain a plague
on any who disagreed with me

Once Uncle William said of a man:
“That man is a little high strung”.

“High strung???!!!” 
Wise Uncle William said that of the man
Who ran off with a thirteen year-old girl
And returned married to her

What he called the man
Who beat her within an inch of her life
More than once
So bad she had to have shock treatments
To rid her of ensuing depression
If that’s what the wise man said
Who am I to argue?

The truth is
There are times to be passionate
For what you feel in your soul
Sure the wise may take the middle path
Deflect the darts of the silly
With the hard shield of reason
And without wiggling a finger
Or raising a voice…
But if you live long enough
Someday, something will happen
Requiring you to reach down for strength
To become a little animated
And with your sanity intact
Dance a little jig
Jack a little jaw
It may not be pretty
But that’s okay
Someday, something might require your histrionics. 
All the more reason
To remain reserved til then
As the impact of extremes
Depends on contrast

And when you are done
You can always
Wise up again


There is good and bad in seeking to be what we are not.
How shall I know if it fits unless I try it on?
That’s presumption
Pretension is closer to hypocrisy than presumption. 
Each of us is blind to our own falsity. 
Forswearing exaggeration
Can lead to the ditch on the other side of the road,
self –abnegation.

We learn from the actions and consequences of others. 
Testing our perceptual accuracy.   
Superstitious reasoning can undercut social and private judgments.
We label some pretenders
Due to a mismatch between who they think they are, and who we see them to be.
This does not make us any more correct than them. 
Our audience is a powerful influence on our private interpretations
Should peer opinion be the final judge of who we are?
Some defer too much to the court of public opinion
Others are too slow to do so.

The audacious take chances for their own development. 
Risking indictable hubris. 
We are on trial internally and externally. 
If our inside judge is too lenient
We get harsh treatment from external judges
Assimilation is a match between these judges 

Why is this important? 
Our private reflections are our developmental ceiling. 
We can swing wildly between overconfidence and crises of self-esteem. 
The opposite of pretension is authenticity. 
Everyone would prefer to be fully authentic, never pretentious,
But greatness requires audacity
Hence the conundrum

Here is what I take:

Seek to please communities
Expecting the best from you
Not those calling you pretender